Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kim Kardashian slammed Katie Couric in Facebook

Kardashian rips Katie Couric on Facebook after getting diss along with baby gift
The reality star was irate when she learned the talk show host said of the Kardashian clan’s claim to fame, ‘I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested.’

Kim Kardashian slammed Katie Couric in response to a comment Couric made about her family being interesting mostly "to teenage girls."
New mom Kim Kardashian threw a tantrum Friday after learning that Katie Couric trash-talked her in an interview — despite sending baby gifts for daughter North West.

Her hashtag harangue went on from there.

“#IHateFakeMediaFriends,” she posted next to her snap.

“#MayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkSh*t,” she added.

The ugly spat erupted after Couric, 56, said she’s at a loss to explain the Kardashian family’s fame.

“I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested,” Couric said in an In Touch interview that hit stands Wednesday.

She uploaded a picture to her Instagram account of baby clothes and a sugary note from Couric that arrived after the reality star gave birth to her first child.
The normally placid Kardashian showed some teeth by snarking that Couric shouldn’t “talk s--- if she’s going to pretend to be nice.”

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